Health for a Better World
ProvidenceReady is a specialized team within Human Resources at Providence. It was established in 2002 to meet the Career Related Learning Experiences requirement for high school students. It started with a career fair at Providence St. Vincent hospital, showcasing different roles within Providence health care. The program grew in popularity, leading to the development of a comprehensive student experience program in partnership with local schools.
We are committed to your educational journey from discovering your true passion, to helping you achieve your dreams. With our local and virtual events, immersive learning experiences and informational resources, we'll be with you every step of the way. No matter your path, we have a program dedicated especially to you.
ProvidenceReady manages School Affiliations, Career Exploration, and supports pipeline programs across the system including internships and Earn-to-Learn programs. These innovative programs provide a strong network of support to support your educational and professional development as you move one step closer to your goals.
Since its inception, ProvidenceReady has been dedicated to creating opportunities for populations traditionally excluded from them. Our programs and resources are especially tailored to support first-generation students, students of color, and all underserved populations in our communities.
Education is the most significant social determinant of health. With our services we aim to strengthen our communities from within with dedication to both their mental and physical wellbeing. Our values are compassion, dignity, justice, excellence and integrity, and we choose to live by them daily through our work and care.